It all started with a question...

The beginning of our organic journey started with a question when Jade was 4 years old. I had never really thought about questioning anything I was buying at the super market. Until one day, I noticed that a lot of brands where all using the word "Natural" either on their logos or tag lines for their product. It was all jumping at me on almost every aisle. I grabbed the cookies I was buying Jade which had a brown box that looked like recycled paper and had green leaves all around the logo which had the word Nature in it. These cookies appeared to be healthy or at least the package made them appear that way until I asked my self the question, "I wonder what's in this cookies". I started reading all the ingredients, it was a long paragraph with a lot of ingredients that were very hard to pronounce and with that I was on a quest for answers. I bought the cookies and everything that had already made it onto my shopping cart, I was curios about what I would find. As soon as I got home, I started googling ingredients. While on my search I stumbled upon an article that talked about ingredients in baby formula and this article blew my mind! The article written by Nutritionist Meghan Telpner really opened my eyes to a world I had never questioned before, food!

I discovered Meghan Telpner and from that first article I read; "What's Lurking in that Baby Formula" (you can read it by clicking on the link) I went on to read almost her whole blog in one day. She talked about health washing which is what most brands do with their claims of natural ingredients, logos and packaging deceiving us all.  She gives you a detailed breakdown of ingredients and the short and long term side effects. It felt good to find out about all of this and at the same time it also felt a bit overwhelming. There is no turning back once you find out enough to be concerned about. It shook me, it shook my world and it definitely shook my family and our comfort zone. I had just opened a pandora box, and this was just the tip of the iceberg but there was no turning back and so this was the beginning of our organic journey!

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